Wednesday, December 29, 2010

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Popenguine Children

St. Charles Borromeo Parish Goree, December 19, 2010
From Grand Dakar
BP 10 033 Dakar-Liberté
Tel.: 33 825 22 November

- For pastors and parish administrators
- chaplains, counselors (ages) movements Child
- For private Catholic school principals
- the movements responsible for children
- To all the children of the Archdiocese of Dakar

Subject: Diocesan Pilgrimage children

After informing the fellow priests, I am writing this you pass a formal manner, information about the 4 th Publishing Diocesan pilgrimage of the children we organize in accordance with the directives of the Pontifical Missionary Works of the Holy Childhood .

Indeed, this body of missionary animation and around the world wants, the Sunday of Epiphany Sunday Missionary Childhood is dedicated to prayer for the mission and missionary animation for children especially.

In addition to all that will be a parish in this direction in response to the appeal of OPM, we offer a wide missionary diocese for the entire day, 09 January 2011 Popenguine.

Following Diocesan Eucharistic Congress, our diocesan commission PMS offers the following theme for the pilgrimage: "Nourished by the Eucharist, convey the Word you get. "

To provide opportunities for all children and even more fortunate to attend this day of prayer and missionary awakening, as every year, thanks to the subsidy we get from the Holy Children , transportation will be funded as follows: 20% for the urban area and 30% for rural areas.

For this grant can make the most of children for a massive turnout, we ask the pastors parishes kindly pre-finance the transportation subsidy, which will be repaid in good time after the pilgrimage.

This would reduce transport costs for children and families and to provide needy children the chance to be part of.

Hoping very hard to have effective cooperation of our pastors, leaders of movements of children we want to frame many thousands of children, also from our school leaders for a strong awareness ads parish weekends between now and the event, we will know in advance grateful to all and wish you a Merry Christmas and already holy and happy year in Emmanuel.

Abbot Joseph TOURE

Responsible Committee

NB: - Please provide a copy of this letter to all recipients.
- Come with lunch and cold with a list of pilgrims signed by the priest to return to Committee the same day.

PJ: - statistics and the status of reimbursement of transportation 2010 edition
; - the program of the day.


ARRIVAL ;: 09 h 30
ANIMATION :     10 h 00 – 10 h 30
MESSE :            10 h 45 – 12 h 00
REPAS :            12 h 30 – 14 h 00
ANIMATION :      14 h 30 to 15 h 00
2 SKETCHES: 15 h 00-15 h 30
ROSARY: ; 15 h 30 to 16 h 00

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Hiv Virus More Condition_symptoms

2011 Christmas 2010 Message of Cardinal

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Dear brothers and sisters in faith,
Dear fellow citizens ,
Men and women of goodwill
I stand before you on this blessed day, when Christians celebrate the enthusiasm, the joy of the birth of Jesus Christ. I come, first share with you the spiritual wealth and human gathering of such party, and secondly to sacrifice the traditional presentation of the vows.
"I am here to announce a great news. In the city of David a Saviour is born to you. "
is how the angels of Bethlehem announced the birth of the Son of God made man to save mankind. Their message invites men of all times and all countries, Hope of the Hi, and the joy it creates from the depths of human hearts. This message also urged to accommodate the many invaluable lessons from the event.
How not to give way to many rich questions before the divine Child of Bethlehem: He, the Son of God, Master of all, comes to earth, in utter destitution! He, the Son of God Almighty is born, in the guise of a little fragile child!
this Christmas, coinciding with the Third World Festival of Negro Arts, Humble Child of Bethlehem teaches us not there, that the most important in a man is not so much what he has but he is not her or his having published that are important but the quality of his being. God, who agrees to be born among us, do we teach does not the African Renaissance through the Renaissance to the Black Man, the African Renaissance through the emergence, within the African Societies , men and women with new attitudes and behavior. So we enter this Qu'Appelle all their wishes Participants at the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops: "Africa Arise, take your destiny in hand and walk ... "
Glory to God in the highest heaven and on earth peace to men of goodwill! "
This beautiful hymn sung from the sky by an entire host of angels was heard throughout the land, time seems to the infant Jesus. It is both a praise to the Glory of God and a joyful proclamation of the benefits that the birth of his son brings to the whole earth.
With these words, following the Angels, Christians, in turn, say their gratitude to Him from whom we the "live and move and have our being" while asking peace for all its children of the earth.
  • At Christmas, the God above the sky is the land of men to save her And that's when heaven and earth is closer to sing together restore harmony once lost due to sin.
  • At Christmas God is always faithful in His Son Jesus fulfills his promise of salvation and peace proclaimed, from the beginning, for all humanity.
  • At Christmas, the Son of God, as the rising sun, comes to visit us and get us out of our sleep and our darkness to open our life here below the horizon of God and restore our dignity as citizens of heaven.
  • At Christmas, God joined man in all its dimensions and concerns, and makes every man a way to go to him.
  • At Christmas, God shows us that all his effort, as it is oriented towards the development of man. Is not it also to do so he gave his Son, "our peace"!
Yes, as we like to sing it so well: "Yes is God so great and so vulnerable? Yes is God who cries our evil as a mother? Yes is God that can hurt so much wounding man? Son of the soil, which is God to love us so? "
Because he wants the happiness of man, every man and every man and that He alone is capable of filling God sends the world a Saviour, which is proclaimed the name: "Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace", (cf. Is 9:5)
We see so much The Creator is not only a donor of peace to man, but he himself is peace so that none exist outside of Him.
In fact, he is the bearer of this peace, since it was created in the image and likeness of God. But wounded by sin alas it is often responsible for conflict situations can be difficult to qualify. Indeed, as recalled so Pope John Pau lI, of blessed memory: "Peace is in danger, when man is denied what is due him as a man, when his dignity is not respected, and when coexistence is not oriented towards the common good, because for building a peaceful society and for the integral development of individuals, peoples and nations, the defense and promotion of human rights, rights are essenfielles "(Message for World Day of Peace 1999).
Let it take to say: if peace is a gift from God, it does not negate the responsibility or the role of the man who has the duty to work towards his recovery and his consolidation.
In saying all this, how not to think about the many parts of Africa and the world, still bruised and bloodied by conflicts of all sorts, often under the guise of race, ethnicity, religion ...
How can we forget our dear Casamance, where blood has flowed too! Today, girls and son of Casamance are tired and do not want that peace.
Today the Senegalese nation wants peace in this region and in all other regions.
On Christmas Day, I appeal to respect for life, calling on all combatants Maquis to please hear the cry of distress and fear of people. Not attacking the peace!
On Christmas Day, I solemnly appeal to the Head of State, and all members of the Government asking them to create the conditions for peace in Casamance. Because the chances of peace are real, and bigger than ever. Not attacking the peace!
I invite all stakeholders and the Casamance crisis to win the dialogue as an ideal way to forgiveness and reconciliation, irreplaceable conditions of real peace and lasting. Not attacking the more peace!
But let us also that peace-as we are reminded by the Second Vatican Council it is not merely the absence of war, nor even a stable balance between opposing forces, but it is based on a design correct the human person, and requires the building of an order based on justice and charity (cf.GS 78).
On this feast of Christmas, all pray for peace in our country, for peace in Cote d'Ivoire, peace in Africa and around the world.
Yes, pray without ceasing, because true peace is a gift from God, but also because prayer opens our hearts to a deep relationship with our Lord, and has to meet with the next under the sign respect, trust, understanding, esteem and love. In addition, it inspires courage and provides support to all true friends of peace who seek to promote in the various circumstances in which they live.
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ
Dear brothers and sisters in faith
Dear fellow citizens
On this blessed day of Christmas, I would like you to raise their voices in thanksgiving to the God of Love and Peace "Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us and met all kinds Blessings in Christ in heaven " (Ep 1.3)
In Bethlehem, God deposited into the arms of men a little child, the fruit of his love and best invention of his mercy. Let us therefore, in turn, put his hands the joys and hopes, but also the grief and anguish of our world and the poor in particular (cf.GS 1). Entrust him all those who suffer from disease, of war, violence, natural disasters, injustice, division, loneliness, misunderstanding, unemployment ...
God gives freely. For us to welcome, not only for Christmas time, but our whole life, He who dwelt among us, in the name of the Lord. Let us not be afraid of Him open the doors of our hearts, our homes, our country ...
In giving thanks to God for the many blessings we have received from him during the year 2010 that ends, I pray to the Prince of Peace-Ia to bless the year 2011 that is already visible.
May it be our beloved country a haven of peace, helping us to always cultivate dialogue, protect and promote together social justice, moral values, and freedom for a prosperous Senegal more fraternal and united.
May this year be for your families and each of you a year of peace, health, success and happiness.
the Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Poponguine, continues to keep us all under her maternal protection!
  • Peace in Casamance and Senegal all!
  • Peace in Côte d'Ivoire this sister country to which we pray!
  • Peace in Africa!
  • Peace in the world!
Merry Christmas and Sanctifying!
Happy New Year 2010
Cardinal Theodore Adrien SARR
Archbishop of Dakar

Monday, December 27, 2010

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Meet Proust and die

Meet Proust and die


Nicolas Madelenat di Florio

From the Society of Literary History of France.

Research Associate at

Centre for Research in Economic Ethics,

Université Paul Cézanne.

To my mother.

The longest of my desseings does not have an expanse of year: I do not think that from now finished, all new to me desfoys hopes and enterprises be undertaken, take my last leave of all the major points that I left, my applications have wholes and the day of what I have.

Michel de Montaigne, Essays , Book II, Chapter XXIX.

Meet Proust, and die in this strange title is that I wanted to give a personal reading here, necessarily intimate, actor-author, philosopher and wise well beyond the time when Socrates was to be confused with a clothing brand. Proust can, at a time when the French seems to be a foreign language, yet find an echo, even new readers in new generations? Those who come into the world of culture and literature, one that is singing in the spirit of effort and transcendence, can they still find some attraction in it? After all, since it can be a philosopher without ever having read the classics, wear strong criticism against works never cleared, why the focus on one that will probably still the largest and most extraordinary authors. For Proust it is not a pen, this is not a world of writing, or worse, style, and add, almost abstract, as Proust is a world unto itself, a world which contains the world. Beyond him, there is a vacuum, it is the human soul par excellence, one who meets God in the shadow of a pebble on a beach where his feet have never been caressed by the cool evening sand . Yet no one will dare say that these landscapes are pure fiction, these characters, he saw them, they exist, in the strength of silence, in a heart beat too fast, everyone has them. We are all one Charlus, a somewhat bewildered Albertine whose lives sometimes is hit by some dislike, yet we continue and we will continue. Proust's work is not a work of man, but the transcript of what rights, humanity, its derivatives as well. The author does not claim, however, to judge any behavior whatsoever and it is each character, its landscape, giving up his own ego, ego projection, drift, leakage, collapse, suffering and screams of silence smashing a racket in which the soul seems to get lost in the lust of passion.

Yet there in In Search of Lost Time a je ne sais quoi of confession, need to be to betray; Proust invent nothing, bearing in its heart the purpose of his work. Her life will be built in two parts, about a Net cleavage, final, an area of no return: the beginning of writing Research . Before he was accused falsely of being worldly, love to attend the scene of men, our societies. The world will be for him not an end, a need to show, but a means, not the way to invent around the human being, strengths, weaknesses, all the atrocious it may charge him , perpetually divided between light and shadow; homo homini lupus is is sometimes what seem to scream mute lines, the pages linked at this whole spirit crushed by the vital need to write. What a strange vision to those who entered his room during the last years of his life, when the Wise received. Lying in bed, dressed warmly, even though the chimney and heating fumigation minds by sweating bodies. Walls draped cork ill concealed, they say, the strange fatigue that they should protect. However, and as he had strength, he covered his tortured writing the famous books that will, over their eruption, books Research . During his youth, and the first part of his life, Proust fetches, thoroughly, in every silence, each thinking the leak could have lead to a strange yet dry leaf on a tree yet planted, the mark stupor when Charlus would live on his route, his ebony cane meet this cluster of strange life supposedly dead woman. Proust, that is, find anything that was, what is, what will be, without mention of what might be; Proust find, therefore, without great difficulty, its place in the long line of commentators, of Analysts, forming a text in its implementation and its analysis, then criticism of criticism, and comparison of different critical. With him draw a psychology, an amount in the medieval sense of the word. The author of Pleasures and days we do not book a novel, or some sort of handout of situations purposes; we offer, simply a mirror to see the world. And Jacques Boulanger said, in the Tribute to Marcel Proust (1923) that so many years working in obscurity, so much patience and courage, both under Again, is it not admirable? Proust was a lot to what we knew everything was over at that From Swann appeared, he was right: it is holiness.

fiction begins to reflect this new infidelity. Detached from these characters, compact and logic, as in a closed container full explanation of what they see done, following the classic formula, it would encounter in books. Doubtless it was found that men really are not such. Illogical, they look more real. (Paul Desjardins) Desjardins, here is wrong, pretend not to discern how Proust is his work. Ascetic life, but also a philosopher, writer, a man whose pen strokes by violent inspiration will gradually degrade the health, break the body, the ink seems to seep into the lungs causing these terrible choking oh so necessary, indeed essential, to the outpouring of a mind purged of complacency towards the flesh and material things, he who knows himself to die, condemned and ill dare to cling to trivialities even though the pen is a setback, the suffering imposed adds immortality. Proust was a living martyr, one of the finest, most eloquent, too. How can we not tremble for hours imagining, suffocating, drugged by the excesses of drugs and fumigations, cloistered in an overheated room, covered with cork? However, and soon he found some strength, he wrote, asking what was left alone in the silence screaming in its excess of humanity, for the power of the pen adds an infinite range, a unmatched penetration in the human soul, its mechanisms and its hopes. Proust is, and always will be the biggest geek mind. It deals with its construction, its trends, drifts too, no one else has ever been able to make more, or to demonstrate non-applicability of its approaches, and the reason is quite simple, it does not consider not. Where a Freudian wish to see a child suffering from too old Oedipus badly outdated, the author of Research present a man and his suffering, with its joys and hopes, its pleasures upset; fracture, internal, is still there. Yet he will not support over to splash pus suffering a reader called to satisfy some need for cruelty. Proust shows the man, and is dissected, it was not the soul of a lessor of monsters.

But what always struck me in Proust is his usual great marvel of all, to show how, in reality, will weave the extraordinary life, the simple magic of the sun slipping over the horizon of a destiny that is formed. One passage struck me in The Captive when a random remark he wonders: we arrived in neighborhoods and the erection of an ancillary Venus behind every desk made him as an author suburban beneath which I wanted to spend my life. As you make on the eve of an untimely death, I drew up on behalf of the pleasures deprived me the final Albertine put my freedom. I am tempted to say a few lines here that Proust's life all summed up, there is the wonder and amazement of universal harmony in every atom and his spontaneous outburst to an eternity of a moment and, finally, this complete gift of himself. On this last note, so little to be added as yet to say ... For Proust, dying, was to awaken to eternal life, not here, however, mystical elevation, but simply to a second birth, through his work, great and unequivocal, for her, we enter into Proust and mixes with our humanity, one that will keep us probably destroy us too. Miguel de Unamuno and add, in tragic sense of life , a thought that applies so well to Proust by calling many: and that it does or not as he wants, he philosopher ... not only with reason but with the will, with feeling, with the flesh and the bones, with all the soul and the body. Philosopher who is the man.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

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The Holy Family / A 26/12/2010

Matthew 2, 13-23 (p. 252)

Among the liturgical seasons of our Christian year, Christmas time or the Nativity of the Lord is the most brief. Before the liturgical reform it lasted until 2 February, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord in the temple. Today it ends in January with the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Our celebration of the mystery of the Incarnation is both brief and intense: it is a string of festivals that synthesizes the Christmas season. Starting from its foundation, the birth of the Savior on the night of the Nativity, until beginning of Jesus' public ministry at his baptism, through the feast of the Holy Family of Mary Mother of God and Epiphany ... Than spiritual wealth in so little time! We are celebrating

Boxing Day in the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, not as a separate party but a celebration of the Christmas season, that is to say, a party who demonstrates an aspect of mystery of the incarnation. When God made man in His Son, even if it is born by a virgin birth, he entered, too, in a human family. Mary's place was absolutely necessary in this divine incarnation. But instead of Joseph is just as well if it seems less clear in that it is not the biological father of Jesus. Joseph had to take him home to his wife Mary that the Son of God incarnate and that he therefore really like each and every one of us a real family man.

If Luke emphasizes the role of Mary, St. Matthew, he center his story on the person of Joseph. We have already met this quiet and charming figure in the Gospel of the 4th Sunday of Advent with the text of the annunciation to Joseph in a dream. God takes a special way to interact with the adoptive father of her only son: he sent his angel to Joseph while he sleeps to guide the conduct he should adopt. Our Gospel reports still three angelic manifestations in the course of a dream, which is not nothing! In the Holy Family Joseph takes the place of father and protector. When God wants to be so close to the men and told them his love, the enemy of mankind is doing everything to try to defeat the incarnation of the divine Word. In Bethlehem, in the census, there is no room in the inn for Mary pregnant and Joseph. After the birth of Jesus among the animals in the stable, Joseph managed to find accommodation for his family in Bethlehem as suggested by the text of Matthew at the coming of the Magi. But now a new danger is rising with the madness of King Herod, hence the need to flee to Egypt. Perhaps some fathers might envy, thinking that Joseph was really easy for him to be a father because God whispered in dreams to behave ... The example of Joseph shows us a paternity which protects from danger, a paternity which saves and protects life. But Joseph was nevertheless not a possessive father. He disappears from the Gospels, unlike Mary, after the painful episode of lost and found Jesus in the Temple at the age of 12. Joseph is the father who protects life in its beginnings, Jesus baby and child, then give way to his son and his mission. Vocation as a father today is probably more difficult to live at other times, and for reasons we all know. The difficulty lies, I think he, in the appropriate balance between a protective and loving presence and respect for personality and freedom her children as and when they grow and become empowered. Protect does not stifle or shut up. As well as respect for freedom of her children does not mean indifference towards them.

St. Joseph can finally be a source of inspiration for fathers in his manner of doing things. If the Gospel tells us of Mary's words, have you noticed that Joseph seems to be the big dumb one who does not speak? This is the man of dreams, we have seen. It is also one that is characterized primarily by its action: "Joseph rose in the night, he took the child and his mother, and departed into Egypt, where he remained until Herod's death, "" Joseph rose and took the child and his mother, and returned to the country of Israel. " The sanctity of Joseph, husband and father, is in his action for his own, in her docility to the inspirations of God. The good father would it not he who is aware of participating in the fatherhood of God? Would it not he who leads by example, by his actions more than words? It seems so when we contemplate the figure of Joseph. And what is true for fathers is also to some extent for anyone devoted the education of children and youth. The authority will always be better than the example given, an example that invites the child to desire what is good and just. An example that the young want to imitate it perceives the act as well is the source of true joy.

Ovarian.cancer More Condition_symptoms

Nativity of the Lord 2010
Day Mass
John 1, 1-18 (p. 216)

For this Mass of Christmas Day, the Church offers for our meditation the prologue of the Gospel according to John . This Gospel is without doubt one of the most beautiful in the whole Bible. How not to get hit first the beauty of literary form? John's prologue deserves indeed to be counted among the masterpieces of world literature. The beauty of writing and composition, John wants to serve the divine revelation. The prologue of his Gospel is beautiful because it reveals a depth of view with a unique mystery of the incarnation: "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us". If Luke on the night of Christmas is trying to relate as closely as possible the occurrence of the manger, John, he chooses to distance himself from the narrative of the birth to immerse ourselves in the heart of the mystery that it inaugurates. We all perceive the density of this theological prologue that introduces us to the Savior's birth in a broader context, that of God's plan of salvation for humanity.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, and John has the audacity to begin his Gospel: "In the beginning was the Word, the Word of God ... . How not to think about the very first page of the Bible at the beginning of the book of Genesis? "In the beginning God created heaven and earth." We could read and meditate in parallel the first chapter of Genesis and the prologue of the Gospel according to St. John. These two biblical texts illuminate each other. In his prologue, John strongly emphasizes the creative role of the Word, the Word of God. God created all things by His only begotten Son, by His Word. When the beautiful poem of Genesis we find the refrain: "God said," then we understand that this is a theological formula hidden in a speech to the seemingly mundane ... Yes, God says because he has a word, and it is the expression of his word he brings out the nothingness of being and existence. And he creates the first day of creation? Light, it sépare des ténèbres. Une lumière qui a un sens spirituel puisque le soleil est créé seulement au 4ème jour... Et que lisons-nous dans notre prologue à propos du Verbe de Dieu ? « En lui était la vie, et la vie était la lumière des hommes ; la lumière brille dans les ténèbres, et les ténèbres ne l’ont pas arrêtée ». Cette démonstration est peut-être difficile à suivre pour ceux qui n’ont pas une connaissance familière de ces textes mais elle nous indique une vérité précieuse dans le message transmis par l’évangéliste : A Noël, à l’instant où le Verbe se fait chair, c’est une nouvelle création qui commence, une recréation. La Genèse nous apprend que nous avons été créés à l’image de Dieu, selon sa ressemblance, par sa Parole. Cet Evangile nous révèle qu’à Noël Dieu crée pour lui des fils et des filles en nous donnant sa Parole, son Fils unique : « Il leur a donné de pouvoir devenir enfants de Dieu. Ils ne sont pas nés de la chair et du sang, ni d’une volonté charnelle, ni d’une volonté d’homme : ils sont nés de Dieu ». le grand mystère de l’incarnation annonce le mystère de notre renaissance par le baptême. Le Fils de Dieu se fait homme, pour que tout homme puisse devenir fils de Dieu. Voilà the main meaning of the mystery we celebrate in joy and gratitude. In the second reading we as a summary of the history of salvation history of alliances between God and men. There is first the fundamental alliance, that of Genesis, that of creation. That is what, we are conscious or not: we are all creatures of God, we bring into our lives, even injured, the trace of the creative Word. And before you reach the perfection of the New Covenant inaugurated by the mystery of Christmas, there was the Old Covenant, the Mosaic Covenant in which the creatures were called to serve God to find salvation. With the Incarnation, God wants us forge bonds of friendship, affection, trust and love. It does not just what it is. He does not want to see us just servants, but he wants to call his friends. Christmas does not show us what we are, if not our condition baptized, but what we need to be: the friends of God. John sums up all that a synthetic way in his prologue: "After the Act communicated through Moses, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ."

In view of what we have to meditate under the guidance of St. John, I'll turn to the great Bishop of Lyons, St. Irenaeus:

"Yes, it is the Word of God dwelt in man, and who became the son of man, to accustom man to receive God and to accustom God to dwell in man as seemed good to the Father. "

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

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Apart from the figure (40) periods in which this figure is not mentioned anything else in common.
The 40 years of Israel in the desert are another step towards the promised land.
The 40 days of waiting for Moses at Sinai, are preparing for the encounter with God, and the expectation of the new law for a new start
The 40 days of purification Mary waits to go to the temple, make Jesus, are starting a new life in faith.
The 40 days of fasting of Jesus in the desert, is the opening of his ministry on earth.
40 Days Flood announced a new world

should not see this figure as an end but a new beginning
The priest Elijah had judged Israel for 40 years

Elijah walked 40 days and 40 nights before reaching Mount Horeb
Elijah fasted 40 days before beginning his public ministry
Elijah stayed 40 days on Mount Caramel
The 40 days between Easter (the resurrection ) and Ascension are the start of the lessons that Jesus gave to the Apostles to strengthen their faith.
The 40 weeks of a child in the womb of its mother are the prelude to a new life
The 40 hours before the body of Mary Jean are the prelude to the new mission of Mary.

The 40 hours between the death of Jesus and the women's visit is the prelude to the resurrection and eternal life for all

Children of Israel lived 40 years in easement with the Philistines.
Joash's reign lasted 40 years in Jerusalem
Miniver's people had 40 days to repent
Issac was 40 years old when he married Rebecca
The embalming of Jacob lasted for 40 days
The reign of David over Israel lasted 40
years of Solomon's reign over Israel lasted 40 years

The Chaplet of the Dead made by Mr. Plantier, Bishop of Nimes in favor of the souls in purgatory (Approved and blessed by Pope Pius IX in 1873 ) consists of 40 grains, in memory of the 40 hours preceding the resurrection

The stigmatized Marthe Robin was not nurtured as the Eucharist for 40 years

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Wedding Progam Thanks

4th Sunday

4th Sunday of Advent / A 19/12/2010

Matthew 1, 18-24 (p. 178)

The 4th Sunday of Advent is always for us a direct preparation for the feast Christmas and the mystery of the incarnation. Why the liturgy the word we heard one of the Gospels of St. Matthew in childhood or Luke. Mark begins his Gospel with the public ministry of Jesus and John in his prologue celebrates the coming of God among us without referring to all the Christmas event. We hear the prologue of St. John at the Mass of Christmas Day. This year we meditate with Matthew's annunciation to Joseph, who is somehow the counterpart of the Annunciation in Luke.
This story, like all the Gospels of Childhood, puts us all in close contact with the supernatural: the angel of the Lord appeared Joseph in a dream for him to reveal the plan of God and his vocation as husband of the Virgin Mary and foster father of the child born of her. The supernatural, because it is different from our everyday experience, can awaken within us a lot of reactions: from disbelief to fear ... We are in the purely divine, an area in which the laws of nature are no longer binding because everything is possible with God for the salvation of our humanity. God knows very well that his action in the course of human history may scare us or ask us greatly. Also his angel carries a reassuring message: "Fear not! "It's the same message sent by Gabriel to the Virgin Mary. And Mary herself, the all-holy, was upset or disturbed by translations when she received a visit from the archangel. This is understandable when we perceive the distance between God and us. And we know from experience that the angels do not come see us on a regular basis to disclosures we make ... The supernatural reminds us that God is the Wholly Other. Faced with this irruption of the supernatural in her life by means of a dream, Joseph, he does not seem troubled, "He did as the angel of the Lord commanded him and and took his wife. "
the center of the annunciation to Joseph, there is a supernatural reality: Mary, Mary, a son by the action of the Holy Spirit. That is what we call the virginal conception of Mary not to be confused with the Immaculate Conception, the dogma that Mary was preserved from original sin at conception and every sin in his life. Of course the virginal conception has a strong theological meaning: it is not for the sake of circumventing the laws of nature that God decides that his son would come among us by being born of a virgin. And even less because human sexuality would be a bad thing in itself! God chose for His Son a virginal conception to tell us who is the child Jesus. Virginal conception tells us in effect on the identity and mission of this baby will be born in a manger in Bethlehem. This baby is unique in the history of our humanity is both truly God and truly man. God really alone because his Father is God and that through the action of the Holy Spirit he was born. Truly man because Mary is his mother and takes her humanity. By being born of a virgin impregnated by the Spirit God, Jesus is the sign of a new creation, a re-creation. From Him and with Him a new humanity is possible that humanity will draw more originated only natural laws, those of the flesh, but also spiritual laws, those of the Spirit. The virginal conception of Mary announces our second birth, our birth and the Spirit of God, the day of our baptism. At Christmas, Joseph takes Jesus as his own son. In baptism God adopts us and makes us his son. Finally
if God uses the supernatural because it is God and that his work is beyond anything we can imagine, this is not to emphasize the distance between Him and us is to somehow abolish it! This is the meaning of the mystery of the Incarnation. God the Son is truly one of us, in this child named Jesus He married our humanity to unite with her and that forever. Without the "yes" by Joseph and Mary this wonderful union between divinity and humanity would have been impossible. Note therefore that God can act in a supernatural way, but he needs us to carry out his plan of love and reconciliation. During the days until Christmas still keep in our memory and our hearts in this beautiful name Emmanuel 'God with us, God among us, God among us. Ponder it in our daily prayers by putting us as Joseph at the disposal of God for that even today he is known as the Father near each of its children, particularly the most despised and most abandoned.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Febrile Seizure More Condition_symptoms

Mythology and economic ethics, the fable of Procrustes in question.

Mythology and economic ethics, the story of Procrustes in question


Nicolas Madelenat di Florio

From the Historical Society of Literature France.

Research Associate at

Centre for Research in Economic Ethics,

University Paul Cézanne.

In my first teacher, my first literary discoveries.

To Jean-Yves Naudet, in memory of trade in things economic and moral.

C. A, because nothing would exist without unreason mortals.

is a contradiction in terms to draw a sinless literature of the man who is a fisherman.


Anyone interested in the story, which we will take care to clarify that it includes the old sense (and thus includes, in large part mythology), can not ignore the Short Dictionary of the story, the intelligence poets, Tables, and Articles on subjects drawn from history Poetics of Chompre whose editor said he was dismissed in Law. Y are given by entries in alphabetical order, the various images used in mythology and frequently cited in literature, poetry, and art. From the beginning of the book, a warning from the author because we know that mythology is a tissue of fancies, a confused mass of facts, sometimes in real substance, but no timeline, no order, often repeated under different names, finally is an assemblage of miserable stories, most destitute [private] likelihood, and worthy of contempt. But we also know that knowledge of these chimeras and pagan poetry is absolutely necessary to hear the authors. In this view we have gathered here in alphabetical order what he has to say on this crucial matter, to spare the young people the trouble to draw on sources often poisoned, where, after a study dangerous and disgusting, there is nothing to gain for reason, and there is everything to lose for the heart (Chompré, Dictionary Short of Fable ... , Rouen, Chez Pierre's widow Dumesnil, 1786). It is therefore, for Mr. Chompre, some danger in attendance images offered by mythology or imitation thereof by the youth or readers; between this approach fun mimetic fear and condemnation of St. Augustine There is only one step. The author of Confessions condemned already, attendance images found contrary to faith or the right line to be followed by the aspirant to wisdom ( Confessions, Book I, Chapter XIV. of Greek and Latin. The author condemns the learning of texts deemed unethical and tend to instill in young minds leanings he considers bad) There is the danger of mimetic appropriation in Book I, Chapter XVI. Against Fables of lewd Confessions , the author does not hesitate to point out that but we touch the truth more closely, said he pretended [Homer] these fables, carrying the qualities of a God to a wicked man , lest they appeared crimes do what they are, so that whoever is guilty, seemed rather to have imitated the immortal gods that corrupt men. And yet, O river of Hell! Aboard the children of men over the course of your waves with these beautiful Furnishings, in order to make this rich booty. He added later, which further demonstrates the significance of the ethical of the Work of St. Augustine, that no, no, words are not learned better with these impurities, but these impurities are practiced with more confidence on the direction of such myths. I do not accuse the words that are innocent and precious vases, but the wine of error which we presented it, and if we did not drink, we do it without whipping was permitted to appeal to a judge sober. There is a double statement, shared by Augustine of Hippo and later Chompre. On the one hand, the story does not necessarily represent real situations it may be a poetic way of representing truth, or abstract concepts, under the garb intelligible to the majority. Emile Cioran, philosopher famous Sacred and religion, sometimes stroking his works in the idea that the great founding texts of religious thought would be a picture book for the understanding of phenomena, inherently complex, that the drafters intended to propagate. This idea is in my view, amply demonstrated by the Koran, which contains many texts, poetic, dealing with issues of morality and religion. But the example most widely accessible to Europeans remains of Greek mythology, first because it was largely inspired most of our literature and our arts, and partly because many of the beliefs and rituals are passed into our culture. Hoping to open my discussion here to the fable, and extract all that can be on business ethics, it came naturally to me so the idea of seeking the necessary support. Because the story has not always been scorned in the literature, including literature, moral or moralistic. She did not hesitate, either, to serve as a major relay between antiquity and our time, which was met by fabulist say Mr. Florian in From Fable , introductory chapter his Fables (in Works by Florian , Fables , Paris, 1811) matter to your readers that the subject of one of your tales was first coined by a Greek, a Spaniard, or by you? The important thing is that it is done well. La Bruyere said: The choice of thoughts is invention. Besides, you have to make an example of the Fountain. It is hardly its apologists that I have found in earlier writers than he. But how are they? If anything could add to its glory, it would be this comparison. And Antoine Houde of Motte (1662-1731, French author and playwright, scholar) say that to make a good fable, it is necessary first to suggest a moral truth, hide under the allegory of an image that does not sin nor against correctness, nor against the unity, nor against nature, then bring the players that we will speak in a familiar style but elegant, simple but ingenious animated what is more cheerful and more graceful by distinguishing the nuances of smiling and graceful, naturalness and naive. This view is not shared by Jean-François Marmontel (1723-1799, encyclopedic, philosopher, grammarian, playwright) who La Fontaine has not only heard what he said, but he saw it, he believes the show yet. This is not a poet who imagines this is not a joke teller that it is a witness to this action, and wants to go there yourself this: his erudition, his eloquence, his philosophy , politics, everything he has imagination, memory, feeling, he does everything, the best faith in the world, to persuade you, and it is this air of good faith is the seriousness with which he mixes with the great things smaller is the importance it attaches to children's games is the interest that takes for a rabbit and a weasel, which one is tempted to exclaim at every moment, good man! Of these three fragments is therefore to take the measurement. For the first, and that was what I wanted to show the origin of the subjects matter; Fable having such great power to evoke an echo in everyone, being a small world in itself. For the second, the writing must be controlled, coerced, we must instill a moral, force, and build the story around. It is therefore, in these fables is a choice to cause the process of identifying mimetic. One comment when the power of impregnation: the reader does not identify itself as the imperative to understand in its entirety, to perceive the will of the fabulist. The mimetic identification will be decreasing over time, the company by changing the report in writing, and evolution itself, the uses are changing and the ability to recognize, and the willingness to identify, s' lessen. In the third pass, finally, it is case of La Fontaine, one of our greatest storytellers French. And the author to add that his style is superimposed, the styling and the dominant imperative of spontaneity, La Fontaine, Marmontel, is in his fables, just as Proust Search of Lost Time . Identification mimetic seems reversed, but will be more attractive. Indeed, if the author is the world of which he speaks, then the reader has before him a person, not a sheet of paper covered with signs, which are echoed in his mind and learned the meanings of the codes. Probably is this the difference between a book and beach real literature, one that conveys, as it is a completely timeless, high volume for the sole purpose of serving the humanity in everyone present.

Greek mythology has left a most interesting tale, that of Procrustes. The Short Dictionary of Fable , cited above, gives a quick overview where Procrustes, or Procrustes, which is a famous thief Theseus is measured, and it killed him. The statement of facts stops there. By combining different versions, it appears several elements: Procrustes was a robber confronted the region Céphisia (OVID, Metamorphoses , Book VII) and was used to force people crossed on his way to lie on a bed and cut the body parts that exceeded. A variant of this legend Procrustes has two beds, in the largest he slept most petty criminals, and stretched their bodies with ropes until elongation thus they occupy the exact size. The biggest criminals, meanwhile, were lying in a bed, decapitated and had their feet sliced if necessary. Theseus comes, and he will suffer the same fate. However, the interest of this tale lies neither in the analysis of sordid nor in the Apology of Theseus as a defender of the weak and the oppressed, even as the guardian of order and peace, or worse, Justice. For what denounces images made by history, it is primarily a drift common to our age, egalitarianism. This is done by forcing Procrustes body to occupy a space that measures and corrects arbitrarily from a rule that only he seems to know and understand the logic. But add that its authority derives its strength and if people cross could escape, they would not accept being treated well, and killing. So there, again, a significant part to the legitimacy interventionist power of Procrustes. Thus it is both master of measures, operator of the verification and correction, and it therefore reserves the right to make law, to verify compliance with this yardstick of reality, and that no sanction between not. Procrustes behind, then it is easy to distinguish the shadow of the state which is often dealer laws, rules, father of verification instruments and measurement, then application of the sanction. So there is this mythological fragment instruction very learned, namely that the rule is only valid from the time it takes account of reality, which is added to the application in principle, separated from the silly and informed judgments can not be considered legitimate. And say that interventionism can not be accepted without real legitimacy, that legitimacy can not be true given the state making the request, but by those who suffer. There is therefore, in Procrustes, and in our modern states, a tendency to double the unreasonable (in the sense that because of regulations exclude "automatic") and egalitarianism. Indeed, it is not feasible, not legitimate, to reduce the human, the differences, a set of factors single, arbitrarily decided to produce the desired results to be similar. The ethical teaching of this fable seems very wide. On the one hand, reject inhumane rules that would tend to reduce the dignity of the person (to reduce the economic capacity of a person is a deprivation of liberty) on the other hand, reject interventionism as contrary to the nature of man, its differences, strengths and weaknesses. For States, which is placed in weight-cons freedoms and individual initiative, disrupt the spontaneous adjustment of the market, which is what made when Procrustes catch passersby before forcing them to expand. It disrupts the course of their march, and their lives assume a power of justice over justice itself (the act of driving into a beast, being a criminal, for example, does not justify the Executioner is more barbarous than the crime), almighty, boundless and without motive. Lack legitimacy, Procrustes becomes a criminal, just as criminal as those he condemns. Egalitarianism portrayed thus does not correct the deficiencies, reduce, and increase opportunities, qualities the contrary, such treatment results only exacerbate the unfair competition between individuals. On a natural, spontaneous, competition between individuals, interventionism creates social discrimination, racism or sectarianism still a strong and growing. Greater the tendency to impose an equality that does not exist, and can not exist (because two different people have strengths and weaknesses, different) and less cooperation can take place. Pulled down, people will then stop trying to excel. Egalitarianism by slowing the natural mechanisms of human relations kills the machine of society. Egalitarianism anime Procrustes arm when trying to dispense justice, he removes the life. The State did the same thing by imposing an equality which can exist in a world where people have the right to be in accordance with their nature, ie being different from each other, with their diversity and proud of their peculiarities. That pluralism of individuals, their abilities vary, but complementary, that lies the unity of a society and in this soil that will develop the innovation, the friction of different ideas and visions often contradictory. Competition between individuals is nothing wrong in being a fundamental characteristic, spontaneous, to be human thinking, who wants to go against competition will thus, in fact, contrary to human nature. To justify this one, so how can he, as a worthy successor of Procrustes, to deprive of liberty to impose equal stupefying (and temporary).

Shuffleboard Dimensions

Economic Ethics, a new fable of Procrustes?

business ethics, a new fable of Procrustes?


Nicolas Madelenat di Florio

From the Society of Literary History of France.

Researcher associated

Centre for Ethics Economic,

Université Paul Cézanne.

I'm certainly too hard, but we live in an intellectual universe more conformist that he believes hold a sort of monopoly of conformism. That the waiver of any real self-criticism. You spend your time to push open doors literally for centuries. This is the modern war against the banned already ridiculous at the time of the Surrealists, which continues to rage on all fronts. As in Bouphonia Greeks, it wad straw all mangy old skins sacrificial slaughter for the thousandth time.

René Girard, Things Hidden since the foundation of the world , Book I, Chapter I, fundamental Anthropology.

This article could not start without me to take care to acknowledge the thought and work of academician René Girard, theoretician of the new anthropology, otherwise called mimetic anthropology. No one knows if paid in reading my modest contribution to the understanding of this world, my commitment to this approach Rights and the mechanisms that form, and connect to others. There are several reasons: a lively interest in the Work of St. Augustine, which Girard said that everything was written, he has found the mimetic défleurée by philosopher and a proper place to concede to the person who should be the heart of any approach. Yet, talking about ethics, especially in economic matters, it sometimes seems in every way comparable to those sages who, in a city in flames, debating the sex of angels. This is a mistake, however, to consider this approach to self-report and the report to another, as a waste of time. Number of opponents to these considerations, however, argue that man is inherently corrupt, and interested, and that not taking part for himself, ethics exist outside of the human person, as the truth of philosophers, or the revelation of God through the death and transcendence. This shortcut is rapid progress is to remain in the darkness of a cave and being surprised not to find a radiant sun. I mean here in my scale and my disciplines, proving that ethics must go beyond fashion, that the organic and other nonsense will not do.

In previous articles, I took care to specify what ethics and I will not go back neither to the fact that ethics without the man can not exist, let alone the notion of conscious decision. Man can not make an ethical act unintentionally, I think I have already demonstrated. As to the argument of the report to another person, one must ask why this is unethical, and if the interest can not, quite simply, be reciprocal. To this, several illustrations. A trader has an incentive to sell its products, the consumer's interest to buy them. If both agree on the nature of the product quantity, price, both are bound by an agreement, which is based on mutual interest. There is nothing unethical, since both parties are satisfied. Then, if the consumer is looking for cheap products in large quantity, the trader is responsible to comply by offering cheap goods but also of very average quality? If the consumer is informed about the mediocrity of his purchase, he assumes the consequences, ethics is not involved here, much less violated. Finally, if the consumer, mature and responsible, bought a pair of shoes manufactured in a third world country, with a workforce as skilled or low paid, the morality of the plant manager is already committed, and to what extent? No, because it would consumers to stop buying such products as production stops as well, or it adapts to new demands (product quality, workers treated properly through a Code of Ethics, Commitment "quality work" proposed by the brand ...). The business ethics is not a paradise secluded from the world of men, a Mount Olympus reserved for a few academics and researchers initiated into the mysteries. It is a call to all human society encouraging him to consider the rightful place of the person and also with the mutual interest, the profit motive, should not exclude the human dimension. Ethics, moreover, do not reject these economic imperatives; seek profit is not immoral and cooperation between people can make profits well above those that could generate an entrepreneur known for his questionable methods. Cases, media coverage, to damage the image of a brand are many. Think of the toys made in Asia known that some components are toxic for children, or whose production is expedited, the finished products then being of poor quality. The answer is so simple from the wholesaler, he recalled the products covered by the press, and communication. The consequences are devastating, both in terms of image and financial terms. First, the merchant recognizes publicly traded have one, or, dangerous, and secondly he must take immediate financial losses (product recall has cost), and other future losses, the parents avoid buying products from a brand whose products are dangerous in part for their children. If there had been a charter Ethics in the businesses concerned, this situation would never arrive; products were in compliance with the consumer, without danger, and the workers would have adequate time to make correctly. If one superimposes now the value added to "ethical" mutual interest is still increasing. I am an entrepreneur, I am committed to producing clean and in good conditions, a quality product that I sell at a fair price. The customer prefers to buy an ethical product which he knows and the production approach, and the activist approach. I have no doubt that in future it is a method clearly and effectively to guide consumer choice.

economic ethics can have practical applications, as has been demonstrated in the preceding passage. However, this pragmatism must not forget the research needed for proper understanding of what ethics, or even how to determine an ethical choice. I spoke in a previous article by the dimension of freedom, intrinsically linked to the notion of choice, though, as the Marxists believe, man is not free, it can not make choices. It will simply replicate a model, the result of conditioning. If, as the enlightened liberals to defend the construction of the mind, and anthropologists mimetics, the individual has a share of impregnating the group, and secondly own freedom, then it may decide in its conscience purchases, it can have an ethical approach. But to clarify, and that was the reason for the title of this text, that ethics is an absolute principle, but not required; the best acts performed by mechanism is not an ethical act being dimensionless choice, and reason. In essence, want to constrain, as did the robber Procrustes, who forced people to lie on a bed, and cut the body parts that exceeded people to an ethical approach amounts to empty them all the same size. This is not about to join an ethical approach as it adheres to a far-left union, with a check and some will almost unselfish to save the world in spite of himself. The ethical approach is a real work on oneself, accessible to all, will change only the intensity of research and applications of these choices in life everyday. There is no ethics that prescribes the Procrustes and condemned, but encouraging approach to choose in good conscience. The act Ethics thus leaves the free will to everyone, the researcher ethics, Sage for the cynics, did not have to prescribe standards and codes to follow. So let us be wary of merchants who bought an ethical soul saving those of others! The ethical approach is primarily an individual approach shared or lived in a group (corporate ethics). It is therefore necessary to ensure that authorities seize it, the state did not impose a vision of a minority decide by the population. This approach is doubly empty: firstly, it does not save people against their will on the other hand, the politician he is a being better than those who elected him?

In short, ethics is expected to regain its rightful place, not in society but in the human heart. Speaking of ethics, is already pushing the excesses and errors of a system having forgotten that the rightful place of the person is at the center. That suppressing the people of our thinking in the humanities, we are depriving the machine of the spirit of its purpose. And add that thinking a bit more before the individual is not necessarily smarter, but already much more humane.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Southpark And Fishsticks

Augustine of Hippo, theorist of private property.

The issue of material goods in the Confessions of St. Augustine, a large part of a Platonic

possession or ethics in the thought of Augustine of Hippo

by Nicolas

Madelenat di Florio

From the Society of Literary History of France.

Research Associate at

Centre for Research in Economic Ethics,

Université Paul Cézanne.

To Jean-Yves Naudet, in memory of exchanges on the thought of that great philosopher,

C. A, because history keeps us-or should-do the folly.

But there are other wings than those that man attaches to blades to overcome gravity, there are the wings, where they are more resistant and more flexible than the Man seeks the heart when the heart is placed high in the mind, as this spirit is noble reputation, to overcome the ignorance of contemporary, malice the jealous and the blindness of the ignorant, those wings then they raise it, they remove it beyond the time of the injustices that are watering, to transport in advance, in imagination, to Future summits repairer where inebriated soul visionary sees and redden on the snow finally melted and the indifference and disdain, reflections, forever glowing, sun next to the Glory!

Robert de Montesquiou, Major and Minor , Precursors and behind.

It is customary to consider Plato thought of as the inspiration flows socialist or Marxist. This error, widespread, based on a simple habit: to confuse the rejection of materialism with the condemnation in principle of all forms of possession and therefore de facto private property. Is to demonstrate the invalidity of such confusion that I wanted to present here the report, strong, between St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, one of the greatest philosophers of Christian thought and the thought of Plato. This demonstration will rely on several fronts: firstly, putting forward a point often ignored, namely that Augustine is among the first to have theorized private property, then, that Plato was not a Communist before the time and that his thinking is opposed to such trends before they even exist, just as he opposes socialism future. Paternity is therefore illegitimate and impossible. Finally, that Plato did not invent the primary rejection of materialism, but it is only a marker of the thought of his time and the time preceding; disciple of Socrates, and inspired by the cynics . Carrefour so happy for the historian of thought and ideas, as it stands at the junction of the father of philosophy as a doctrine of life and death (confer on Trial Socrates as the founding of the philosophical community) and follower of his doctrine, with slightly different approaches from those of cynical philosophers (School founded and supported by Antisthenes, marking the third disciple of Socrates and Plato and Aristotle) but have also greatly inspired School stoic. Plato's thought is therefore naturally irrigate the thought of Augustine, which will then watering Christian thinkers. Ignore Saint Augustine of Hippo is therefore to dismiss centuries of intellectual tradition and also a large part of Christian thought.

Economists do not know often, and here I can only stress again the oh so exciting culture of the academician Jean-Yves Naudet, but the economy was well beyond the periods considered modern. Socrates, already spoke of ethics and trade. In line with one of his teaching methods (Socratic dialogue) to teach, explain, convey and convince the father of philosophy often used allegory or fable. A famous example, although most "recent" was given by a Dutch philosopher Bernard Mandeville in his famous text The fable of the bees (1714). In this illustration of life in society, the author demonstrates how the excesses led to the loss of any society. The example has not been chosen at random. But back to St. Augustine. In the Confessions the author will give a very detailed way, a kind of autobiography. Ill critical place in the line of future biographers writers like Montaigne or Rousseau. It fails the philosophical significance of Socratic dialogue. For Augustine of Hippo does not speak alone, but is addressed to God: "Lord , wipe yourself my secret spots, and forgive the mistakes foreign your servant. I take my trust in your goodness, that's why I have my appeal. You know, Lord, is it not true that I accused myself for my crimes, and that you have forgiven the wickedness of my heart, I enter into condemnation with you which are the truth; me who am but a lie, I do not want to flatter "(Augustine, Confessions , Book I, Chapter V.). So there, throughout the book, a double interest in knowing how to analyze his soul, and to move towards God, ie to the Ethics, perfect order, the ultimate balance of the person, and present doctrine to be his. This idea is confirmed when he confesses sinned (t) so when a desire for the pleasant rather than useful, I prefer the lie to the truth, or rather talk, which I hated it, and liked this one (Augustine, Confessions , Book I, Chapter XIII). In this chapter, the process of the fable is sentenced to discretion, quickly, and will also be the subject of Chapter XVI of Book One, whose title is unequivocally Against shameless fables. Chapter XIII describes in fact the requirement of the masters of Augustine to make him learn the fable, Greek, describing the journey of Aeneas and Dido's suicide, his wife, tired of hope for his return. The illustrious moralist thus uses this example to demonstrate the excesses of sentimentality and indiscriminate loss of his inner compass guided sensible man during his lifetime. Ethics is all powerful here, namely that life should be respected above all (Dido would prevent suicide). The fable, as such, does not fall within the scope of ostracism given by St. Augustine as seen in Chapter XVI of Book One: I do not accuse the words, which are vases of precious and innocent, but the wine of error which we presented it, and if we did not drink, we do it without whipping was permitted to appeal a judge sober. We find the use of metaphor, fable, and this is the key to this, in Chapter IV of Book II, tellingly His larceny. Private property is defined by an interesting technique, namely by the transgression, so your Truly divine law, as well as the other natural that malice will never erase from our hearts, condemned the theft, because even although everything has a love for which resembles that of all the thieves suffers another? This defect is even odious, as the richest in the world would not allow the most needy took anything that belongs to him. And then to present, through images, which he considers worse than anything, however some injustice there to steal, I wanted to make a flight, and I did, not by compulsion of any need but by a loathing of fairness and an excess of wickedness. We can easily judge, because I snatched, not what I did at all, but what I had in abundance wishing to enjoy the only injustice of my sin, without stopping its subject matter. His larceny is very simple, it will fly with a few companions, pears on a nearby tree. Yet the double scope of action is obvious: on the one hand, he steals, he condemns with private property as a law of natural right, according to the will of God, on the other, he steals something he does not, for the sake of committing a reprehensible act. Thus, (...) to pick the pears, which we performed by comparing large loads to give pigs. What if we did test one of those pears, it was only to do what we were forbidden. The relation to ethics is extremely strong since possession is not enough, there is that desire for transgression of a rule-based sacred.

Yet having to itself, this is the sense of ownership (owning own ) is not unethical, St. Augustine has never condemned the fact that another has a headstand. He also insists on enough responsibility for their comrades who will steal fruit from another. It is the appropriation of the fruits, and a higher degree of guilt is reached when we know they do not need it, which is sin, condemned the act. This idea is found in Plato, very clearly, saying therefore when other desires, this hornet buzzing around [Man] in a profusion of incense, perfumes, wreaths, wine, and all the pleasures found in similar companies, feed it, do grow up to the last term, he and implanting the sting of envy, then the chief of the soul, accompanied by dementia, is transport took furious, and if he puts his hand on opinions or desires held wise and still keeping some shame, he kills them or expelling them from his home until what he has purged his soul and is filled with crazy foreign (Plato, The Republic ). In sum, the possession of material goods is not unethical, immoral or struck by any company (except for future socialists and Marxists, which it seems they are now also find justification for their heinous schemes). The only part of the degraded soul, struck the bucket of sin, corruption is the unbridled pursuit of possession, namely have to possess. Wealth is not an abomination search enrichment either; what is wrong is not to be guided by ethics but by a thirst, inconsiderate and domineering, alienating therefore, always wanting more, for no reason. Condemn what Plato and St. Augustine, this is not to have, but to stop being in favor of the objects possessed. And that, it seems, what the risk to human capital, which is why each of us, leaving aside any other consideration, must above all be concerned and seek to cultivate this, to see if it is able to know and discover the man who will give him the ability to discern and science good and bad conditions, and to choose always and everywhere the better, as far as possible. By calculating what is the effect of the elements discussed above, taken together and separately, on the virtue of a life he knows good and evil that comes a certain beauty, united either poverty or the richness and accompanied by a particular provision of the soul. (...) So that by bringing together all these considerations, and not losing sight of the nature of the soul, he can choose between a bad life and a good life, calling it bad that ultimately result in the soul more unjust, and good one that would make it fairer. (Plato, Republic )

The issue of possession is very important, and Plato, and in St. Augustine. It would be interesting now to present, briefly, a relatively simple historical fact, that we must approach this with Socrates and Ethics, and property as may be corrupting the human soul. For if one recognizes the sanctity of clean, even the character of natural law as stated in St. Augustine, we should not deprive him of the terrible part-cons, ie the risk that the corrupt desire, by In this way, the person. And to avoid this, Socrates is said to advocate a disregard for material things when they are placed in the balance of Ethics. The most striking example of this choice is to have preferred death to escape. Ethics deserves that he sacrificed his body and his life just as it can not be bought by money proposed by the Apology of Plato, a friend of the Master, to do release. Thus formed a scale, a yardstick to measure which situations. And remember, too, that the decision, after reflection, in conscience, allow only the ethical act. Without choice, no decision in conscience therefore not an ethical act. We find the dominance of the Ethics in Antisthenes, third disciple of Socrates, founder of the School cynical for him, the inner compass to guide the wise man should accompany him constantly throughout his life. It is in this idea, presumably, that will frame the demon of Socrates, it was considered to accompany him everywhere and show where an election was needed to assist in the decision, by enlightening. There is no concept of creation by Plato, or Augustine, but simply a flow of ideas, values, unparalleled spurt from a single source, the centrality of human must hold in any system, philosophical, economic, political, and moral. Keeping in mind that the world is still if born evil and so lost, that excites men to vice, so it is shameful not to be infamous ( Augustine, Confessions , Book I, Chapter XIII), whereas it is therefore more than ever, letting the demons in the shadow of our fears and trust again, this internal compass to guide us in charge.

(an astute reader will notice that the quotes are not in their entirety, placed in italics and this is not a typographical error but respect, careful, presentation of study text)