Monday, February 28, 2011

Potawatomi Traditional Dress


(Lyrics: Philippe Madre)

Chorus or refrain: "Give us Lord a heart of compassion,
clothe us Your Mercy Lord
1 - For the poor and homeless shelters, we pray ... Give us Lord a heart of compassion, clothe us Thy Mercy Lord
2 - For those who are in prison, we pray ...
3 - For prisoners with alcohol and drugs, we pray
4 - the prostitute (es) and all those who are shackled by the vice, we pray
5 - For victims of war, terrorism and all forms of violence, we pray
6 - For victims of epidemics, natural disaster or famine, we pray
7 - For those who are slandered, tortured or persecuted because of Christ, we pray
8 - For those who go astray in false ideologies and alienating or sects, we pray
9 - For those who blindly engaged in magic, spiritism, divination and other occult practices, we pray
10 - For all those in test of faith and feel deprived of God, we pray
11 - For children abandoned or tortured for children orphaned or unloved, we pray
12 - For families and couples torn apart, we Te Please
13 - For those who do not find work and can not meet their needs, we pray
14 - For women who are tempted by abortion or have already lived, we pray
15 - For the paralyzed and all those who suffer from physical disabilities, we pray
16 - For victims of road accidents and work, we pray
17 - For the mentally disabled and all those with a genetic disease, we pray
18 - For patients in psychiatric hospitals and all those who were wounded in their deepest being, we pray
19 - To the dying, and anyone who 's apprêtent to join the House of the Father, we pray
20 - For those suffering from a terrible loneliness and are tempted to despair and suicide, we pray


Lord this new year be a year of transformation of hearts through your love Jesus. That every man and woman on this earth you say "yes" Lord, be it unto me according to Thy Word.
* Our Father
* Prayer
God Almighty, the virginal motherhood of the Blessed Mary, you have given to mankind the treasures of eternal salvation, grant we feel comes for us which allowed us to welcome the author of life, Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord. He who reigns.

Personal prayer
Lord Jesus Christ is with confidence that I am dedicated
to your Sacred Heart for the entire year as new I want to discuss with joy.
In Hope and in Thy Peace, I do not even want to worry
what tomorrow will bring.
I do not want to live now that T `I listened to him speak.
Any questions I can ask myself, You know the number of hairs
on my head, You're already the answer.
You know my willingness to love Thee and to follow You, but O how I am weak.
Lord, Thou Son of David, have mercy on me who both need Your love and Your mercy.
Without You, no need to live nor to hope, but with you, I can achieve as
EVERYTHING is with you, everything is you, everything is in YOU.
probes Thou my heart and my kidneys, I can never walk away from You.
Let me be with you forever glorify Thee, praise Thee, adore Thee,
say thank you every second of my life.
has the image of Thy Holy Mother who is also my Mom, give me grace
and His intercession as she said: Magnificat, it be to me according to Your Word.
your example, I also want to tell You: not my way I want,
but as Thou Wilt Thou.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Average Bmi For Women In India

Structuralist objections to determinism in the search; to fair consideration of both forms of spirits?

Objections structuralist determinism in Research; to fair consideration of two types of spirits?

By Nicolas

Madelenat di Florio

From the Society of Literary History of France.

Research Associate at
Centre for Research in Economic Ethics, University Paul Cézanne

To my venerable predecessors in our Company, and the first of my Masters of Arts.

Since the understanding elevates man above all sentient beings, and gives it this kind of superiority and power he has over them is probably a subject that deserves its excellence that we apply to us to know As far as we are capable.

Locke, Essay concerning Human Understanding.

The university seems to be after 1968, instead of a gown, symbol of his office, a morgue fun; human culture to the sufficiency of man he is that a step, and a soft revolution. It is, perhaps, probably even in the collapse of the structure of our society that are based foundation for the collapse of values, more than ever, characterize. Yet, explaining that man is merely the result of a package (that would be formed like a plastic bottle in the chain, requiring the mold ball field still hot form similar to the previous thousands and thousands to come) structuralists, Marxists largely as Bourdieu have finalized to sully the very foundation of the person's dignity. However, nuisance and caused no not merely a few books that should avoid the spread in the minds fragile, poorly educated and therefore impressionable; societal Marxism goes further. The individual, broken, cut millennia of tradition that led to its formation, is to drift, the heir of an orphan here. And these evil puppeteers to add that the man is inclined to consider his interest before thinking of interest-just as these other legitimate-billion people, it must be corrected, here are the saviors of the world to the detriment of humanity, at the height of their glory. To an interventionist, man is inherently evil and should, from this arbitrary orientation and anthropologically impossible to think in binary black-white, light-dark, dungeon-wicked-profit charity. In the latter pair, an aberration even more obvious than in previous matches. Indeed, interest does not go far away, with selfishness and the spontaneous nature of the search for satisfaction of needs does not mean, and that the structural-Marxists did not hear that research personal gain is not related to the destruction of another. As although we admit that homo homini lupus is (Hobbes), present in all humanity to prevent harm to his neighbor, is what would happen in a state structure leaving their place of individual liberties; each person is responsible, not feeling or feel guilty or assisted find its rightful place and would have de facto interest to respect others. There would therefore not a state-father, moralistic and preachy, spreading manure as fertilizer morality died of a political class too corporatist interests in order to be qualified interest National. The ideal of nation in mind, we shall not return, more a way of division (pushing one group against another by exploiting the spontaneous nature of the phenomenon of victimization and thus tend to the designation of a scapegoat whose 'dislike-even' killing civilian "think of the growing exclusion of people of Muslim faith on behalf of Republican dogma of tolerance (sic) - allows for a variable period to regain a semblance of stability and cohesion in the dominant group or presented as such) a factual representation of reality. Yet or less persons skilled in the study of the structure of human societies dare question the potential of individuals by impregnating the structure that tends to dominate, this funny mimicry uses the innate character of imitatio to imprison individuals in an artificial body. This "social body", theorized by Rousseau, must no longer be separated from the state he is one of materiality, and the future will, hopefully, due to those who work so that we stop does look a branch, leaf or some of the human tree. With this idea obscurantist legacy of the Enlightenment from which men are, necessarily, a fixed and indivisible body, could result from a common ideal artificial man-kind. This model of individual, shaped by the aspirations of the dominant groups in the population of France, could not but spread throughout the state structure, the same structure that is self-replication in all body caused by its leaders. The University is, itself, inherit from this structuralization salience: the academy is born. And raised, before the latter element does pour too much ink, few details Focus objections about our own. On the one hand, give a framework is not, by far, in principle, a bad thing, and besides, unframed, no man could build. Anthropology of mimetic should not overlook the following qualification: man imitates his fellows to build, it does naturally, this trend is in him - that order spontaneously. However, the structural-Marxist may seem to have anticipated the thesis Girard, it is a mistake. The man is formed by imitation, but is not conditioned by the acquisition automation (what Bourdieu will defend, thinking particularly of Distinction, A Social Critique of Judgement). However, it will integrate the structure of the society in which it operates. Then what about freedom? The answer is pretty obvious and simple fishing; mimicry can reproduce after ownership, behavior and not the codes that generate them. Hayek had fully anticipated this idea: human behavior is the result of a long social process transmitted from human to human (that is where Hayek seem to find the continuous exchange with the other, and Girard-catallaxy -Mimetic character of the relationship in the construction of the individual), the individual can not include a list of values as it would choose a sequence of numbers, abstract. But it may that is where the clean, and usefulness of the phenomenon-mimetic, reproduce situations, reactions, since they seem to agree intellectually with the facts it faces. In sum, the mimetic appropriation, the individual is initiated into the mysteries of the social structure that he feels it is both over, around and within him. With critical thinking, and some practice it will be able to distinguish in consciousness, which is of the order of its relative freedom and character transmitted and thus be able to choose, enlightened man, what is most consistent with its interests. And then say that the social order is a factual situation which must be distinguished from the lawfulness of individual conduct. It must be defined as a condition in which individuals are able, based on their respective special knowledge, develop expectations about the conduct of others, which are correct in making possible a successful mutual adjustment of their actions. (Hayek, errors constructivism) In sum, it should no longer produce any opposition in principle between the need to regulate human relationships and the freedom that should guarantee individuals. A structured form a framework, whether social or intangible, is a legislative straitjacket harmful to people than when it blocks personal interests without legitimate reason to do so (the legitimacy stems not from the majority universal suffrage, French democracy is in large part a fool's game). It is therefore appropriate that this structure is malleable, meaning it adapts to the expectations and needs, in real time, or in anticipation of expected cases. The academy, which is a rigid form of education and research, is one of the most egregious examples of this need for flexibility. It, too, is explained by him as a careful analysis of freedom conceived at the individual level as presented in the previous comments. Indeed, to recognize the academic all-powerful one based on individual interests and beneficial to all, should it be flexible-that is impossible with the current system hyperformalisation disciplines, or that provides free spaces reserved for an elite minority forces, but able to generate, to feel, great intellectual revolutions to come. The interest in analyzing the academic, and corporatism dogmatizing teacher unions, is obvious for anyone interested in setbacks, and failures of the French university system. The current system, fixed dies. To this reason that could encompass all: research (and teaching that is "only" sharing of knowledge generated by the above) is a living material whose orientation should not forget its essence: the human person. This is true of most disciplines, it would be if all one wanted to admit that the conquest of space, for example, is an emanation of a process driven by intellectual vanity. Again, therefore, the heart is the man. In sum, understanding the man, his aspirations, his will, the various layers of his organization into groups, and groups them (the companies) is to embrace the right research, one that elevates the spirit above the depravity of the material and, especially, is beyond the mind pride. Admit that we can not quite understand it, already rising, and here again, St. Augustine and Hayek agreed: the human mind is limited, limited in time by death and decay of the body, limited by his own weaknesses (the brain is a material envelope, with this character are the limits of material things of the flesh), also limited by innate characteristics too often forgotten by a science and an arrogant egalitarianism tends to spread. These patterns have led to deadly centuries of errors and systems still practiced ; Structural-Marxist thought is one. By denying the relative freedom of the individual, it removes any changes made and all humanity. The University should be able to bring the differences of students, integrate its organizational process. Recognize the difference is, already anticipating a more just world. It is also beneficial to create an emulation of all actors, direct (other students) and indirect (the population). Knowledge is shared, all dictatorships know, and generally take care to silence or deport academics. Rented But the search is that from the bottom of his library, his mind and offer limited time on earth, to cultivate his humanity, and, better afford to men. Through the sacrifice of his ego, voluntary and free, it rises above the multitude and offered him, in perfect denial, tortured the fruit of his meditations. How many philosophers, how many academics have followed Socrates in the tomb so that humanity present in every human being shines a little more? The researcher is essentially an ascetic bent before the entire light of knowledge burning flesh of his eyes to free his mind. By this sacrifice and this renunciation alone, the thought will crown her life. Yet many are those who, out of a very general training, imagine that compiling information and data may be akin to the discovery of knowledge. Those people are wrong, maybe they are good speakers, such as Cicero defined in the De Oratore: Do we want a definition now embrace the idea completely, the exact force of the word speaker? He alone, in my opinion, is worthy of such a beautiful name that will develop any topic with all the necessary qualities of invention, disposition, speech, memory, adding more of the nobility in action. It does not, in fact, the discoverers of knowledge. For whoever wants to have a subject fully, and who work in this direction will rarely pay attention to its attention in areas that its immediate and direct approach will delay or even worse, which it does not take care of interest. There is an intimate relation between the hyper-running in our time and the trend, dominant, that the disciplines are closing on each other, coming to rest in a methodological autism, and eventually collapse. Man the researcher, discovers that the time spent is lost, there is no need to develop how it can be morally difficult. And pay, often in new approaches his last hopes. But this is not about dying but the method applied to his intelligence. The systems are convenient thing, formalization, increasingly, studies applied to men is proof. After the utilitarian (for whom everything happens as being provided in advance freedom was a condition for achieving a higher purpose to the individual giving the impression of control its intellectual environment) see new dogmatists Methodological study on the grounds that the individual is complex, it would be better to cut our humanity strata. Disciplines trained and offer a variety of monsters doomed to a quick death. It is in the unity of knowledge to a common object that is nestled any search for truth. On the one hand, and their compilers are historical, on the other, the few minds capable of sensing unit bundles of understanding. To them find their own way of expressing an idea accepted, and discover (they find in original) that the conventional formulas sometimes contain flaws or tacit presuppositions unjustified. They will then be forced to answer questions that have been in practice long dodged through a turn of phrase but ambiguous plausible that conceals an unjustified assumption (HAYEK, Two types of spirits). And the same author, in the same text, add the fact that they are clearly some connections to, mean that they are able to describe in words. Even after extensive efforts to find appropriate words, they can still be acutely aware that the phrase they have chosen not fully express what they really mean. They also have another curious feature, which is certainly not rare, but I've never read a description, namely that many of their particular ideas in different fields can come from a single moral vision more generally, they are not aware of themselves, but they may later discover with amazement, as the similarity of their approach to various issues. There are two types of spirits: on one hand those whose report common standard is fully internalized and the more rare, who have an intellectual framework guided by a set of moral values and from which situations are interpreted. This second category will be brought to the hyphen between areas where it feels and where cohesion implied by their context within the first areas that will not open. The first category, majority is intellectually foreign areas it will study (a detachment front, the mind can not be truly objective) and the second depends on to build over the discovery that his mind will break and it will seek to understand. A stagnant stability of the first is for the latter, a strong tendency to scatter apparent that only the first two phases of their apprehension of reality: first meeting, surprising and constantly renewed, of a new object and then integrating this element to the flexible structure being extended is the essence of their spirit, and its particularity. And regain our separation of structures: static, hard to change or flexible, interacting dynamic environment. It sounds easy, then, to highlight the significance of trade and movement while standing in regard to man, emitting a fundamental dualism: mobile and alive, frozen and dead. However, between the accumulation of data and the discovery of new knowledge, we find the split between mind and put all those who, by their very nature, can only find new ways of Being.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Ontario Licence Plates

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time

8th Sunday in Ordinary Time / A 27/02/2011

Matthew 6, 24-34 (p. 907)

In our reading of the Sermon on the Mount liturgy we blew an entire portion devoted to charity, the prayer and fasting to achieve education for this Sunday. In this teaching the Lord Jesus addresses two main themes that bind to one another: the god Money and abandonment to the providence of God.
"You can not serve both God and Money." Translating liturgical wrote the word "money" with a capital to try to translate the Aramaic word Mammon. The Bible offers Peoples translation has the merit of being clear: God Money. Because that is what it is in our passage from the Gospel according to St. Matthew. Here the rival of God, his rival, not Satan, but the god Money. And this idol reign at two levels. Globally and in the lives of people. At the global level is evident. It's been a long time that the interests and economic benefits and the financial world running the show against a weakened or lacking political will. Under these conditions, the moral is thrown in the closet. The cult of the god Silver excludes any moral reflection. And yet a human vision the economy is consistent with legal requirements as stated in the passage of the Social Doctrine of the Church: "The relationship between morality and economics is necessary and intrinsic. The moral dimension of the economy captures such purposes inseparable, not separate or alternative economic efficiency and promoting common development of mankind. " The Lord's warning also affects our personal lives. If we let ourselves be ruled by the god Money, we become slaves and lose our freedom at the same time as children of God.
The result of our gospel we ask more questions: "Do not be so concerned for your life, about food or about your body, about clothes." We understand the cutting edge of this teaching: Jesus wants us to live truly the son of God, that is to say that we do trust him and we handed him our whole life, our whole person. Jesus wants us to have faith in the providence of God our Father for us. Argument as we contemplate nature. And the more deeply he says that life is worth more than food and the body more than clothing. In short, the supreme value on earth is man himself, above all material possessions, above objects and of course money that can make us slaves. Man alone is indeed the image of God, and this gives it a special dignity. We can receive this teaching of Christ without problems if we have enough to live, if just the next day because we do not worry. But how to hear this word to our brothers around the world live in poverty, or to the 6 million French who must settle for a salary of 750 euros for a living? We might get the impression listening to this gospel that Jesus leads us to the recklessness and irresponsibility, as if everything was falling from the sky as at the time of the manna and quails in the desert ... Certainly the history of saints, like St. John Bosco, for example, shows us how divine Providence has responded to situations of extreme distress. But let's face it, this does not seem to be the standard track, and the manna and quails have stopped falling from the sky when the people arrived in Palestine. A Swiss priest, Maurice Zundel, great spiritual death in 1975, has given much thought to the relationship between poverty and spiritual freedom. Let me quote at some length: "Hunger in humans does not only endanger its existence Physically it requires him to reduce it. It is no longer a body at bay, pursued by an animal's needs. It is therefore incapable of creating value, inner self, because of which he recognizes dignity. It is practically frustrated, unable to make itself a good, a universal and infinite in the outbreak which all are interested. It is properly disposed of at home, in the practical impossibility of achieving his humanity, to promote, as Flaubert would have said-something to someone, that results in abortion tragedy of a world whose irreplaceable alone could be the author. HUNGER, in a word, forbids him from being an end. " This reflection of Zundel on the dramatic consequences of poverty from a meeting he did during his priestly ministry with a woman. She had said: "I would meditate and pray, but how can I fix my mind on a thought that illuminates when I have five children to feed and nothing in my pots. The hunger of my children breaks my bowels and kill all life in me the spirit. " Zundel and commented: "What she claimed? Simply a space Security that would allow him to make his life a place of generosity. "To live the word of wisdom from Jesus" Every Day's Work ", we all need the security space. Be freed from the tyranny of day that keeps us from living fully our present, this assumes that we are in a situation quite different from that of this poor mother. Does Jesus rebuke of worry for her children and for the next day? I'm not sure. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all things shall be yours for the bargain." The Gospel shows us that this kingdom is not easily accessible to the rich. Our experience also shows that poverty different from poverty, is often an obstacle to spiritual life. Yes, we must always seek the essential in our lives, for where our heart is, there also is our treasure. Yes, we must be vigilant against the pernicious power of God Silver and never give up the moral demands for profit and enrichment. Seek the kingdom of God and his righteousness, is it not also become welfare for our brothers who are in need? How God's Providence does it work if it is through us and through us who are his son and members of his church? So if we have this chance not to miss anything, if we have this area of security, we are generous space? Not just for our family and friends, but especially for the poor of our world. I'm not sure that Jesus would blame this poor woman who was worried for her children. But I am certain that we blame our selfishness, our greed and our greed, if not missing anything, we do not have the opportunity to become the faces of his providence in this world.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Does Mucus Look Like

Cardinal meets MFDC

His stay has been short. But enough for the Cardinal Theodore Adrien Sarr meets the Casamance rebels. The head of the Catholic Church came quietly in Ziguinchor just asked an act of hope on the path to peace that is increasingly desired in Casamance.

it last, in the morning that Monsignor Theodore Adrien Sarr has set foot Ziguinchorois, out of sight prying. Taking advantage of this unexpected visit of a few hours in the southern capital, the head of the Catholic Church of Senegal has initiated important meetings which have a common denominator: pick up the thread of dialogue between the state and the movement of democratic forces Casamance (MFDC) for a return to peace. According to our sources, besides the regional chief executive, Archbishop Theodore Adrien Sarr met the Imam Ratib of Ziguinchor, Alioune Aïdara Sharif. But the hearing which has most captured the attention of opinion is that given by the head of the Catholic church to members of separatist movement in Casamance. Une délégation composée de responsables de l’aile politique, mais également de membres de l’aile militaire. Une rencontre au cours de laquelle il a été question de lever les contraintes et de renouer le fil du dialogue entre les protagonistes du conflit en Casamance, d’après une source bien informée.

Cette visite ‘surprise’ de Monseigneur Théodore Adrien Sarr intervient dans un contexte de regain de violence avec des affrontements meurtriers qui ont fait plusieurs morts aussi bien dans les rangs de l’armée que du côté du Mfdc. Avant-hier seulement, un sous-officier a été tué ainsi que plusieurs rebelles au cours de cinq heures d’affrontements violence that lasted five hours in northern Sindian, if one believes a military source. The brief surprise visit of the head of the Catholic Church in the Senegalese capital of the south there a link with the atmosphere of insecurity noted in recent days in Casamance? Still, this initiative raises hope in Casamance, especially since Bishop remains one of the few personalities in Senegal in which the MFDC, including scrub, continues to trust. Remains whether this series of meetings will resume a peace process almost nonexistent, sacrificed on the altar of deadly clashes that mark for some time, daily in Casamance.

extremist Journal Walf.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Sickle Cell Trait Condition_symptoms

Chateau Latour - Pauillac

The last weekend Alexandra gave me the chance to taste a Chateau Latour 93. Well I can tell you it was awesome! Obviously it was my first taste of this "monster" of Pauillac.

The dress had a beautiful ruby, a beautiful youth for a wine over 17 years, the edges of the disc were firing on the brown. The bouquet consisted of racy leather aromas and hints of mushroom and a little fruit (cherry, perhaps). Mouth, finesse and elegance terribly, is magnificent. All is well structured tannins, melted. That was really the class: a Lord!

Cheers, NL

Turquoise Saddle Bags

The 75-year-old Cathedral DAKAR

75 Years of concecrations the Cathedral of the Dakar will be celebrated 25,26,27 and 28 February 2011.
So it is a conference held February 25, 2011 at 18:30 in the cathedral itself and the Solemn Mass will be Sunday, February 27, 2011.
All the people of God are invited.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Standard Thank You Card Messages For Baby Showers

seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time / A 20/02/2011

Matthew 5, 38-48

We continue our meditation on this Sunday's sermon on the Mount in Matthew. And we can really on top of this teaching by Jesus that the law of Moses leads to perfection. The end of our Gospel tells us just how much we have here is a divine teaching, the same test substance of the Gospel message: "You, therefore, be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." Jesus will never pushed too far the demands of love in this Gospel. And he does about two realities: the rejection of revenge and love of enemies. Christian perfection consists precisely to listen and follow in these areas of our lives. So, welcome the Word of God, trying to understand it, and especially do not see it reserved for some utopian idealists living on another planet than ours ... Think it would mean that holiness is for others, and that Jesus would ask us here in the concrete attitudes unachievable our human lives.

The Lord by a verse from the Old Testament has since become a saying of our French language: "An eye for eye, tooth for tooth." This precept of the Law of Moses, despite all its imperfections, was actually a step forward if we hand in the context of biblical revelation. Remember the following pages in the book of Genesis, the story of the original fall and culminating in the deluge. These pages show how evil has continued to expand its hold in the hearts of men. And among the descendants of Cain, the first murderer, there are a Lamech, the first polygamist. In Chapter 4 we find the terrible speeches that this man to address his two wives: "I killed a man for wounding me, a boy for a scratch. For if Cain is avenged 7 times, will be Lamech 77 times. " And it is in response to this glorification of violence and vengeance that the Lord will say to Peter need to forgive 77 times 7 times, that is to say without any limit. Posting in the context of retaliation tries to limit the revenge which seems fair. It does not eliminate the violence, but merely to moderate. It is the basis of what we know as self-defense. Exceeding this law by Jesus will just undermine the principle of legitimate defense of persons and that is what shocks us most, so this principle seems to us just in terms of morale. "I tell you not to respond to the wicked." Robert Pirault gives an interesting interpretation of this commandment which forbids revenge " Do not resist evil by imitating the wicked. " And this is how St. Paul understood the words of the Lord. In his letter to the Romans he teaches the Christian: "You do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but you will conquer evil with good." Jesus does not ask us to be indifferent to evil or to love suffer. It forbids us to use violence (which is bad) to eliminate the evil. Revenge implies that we take the same weapons as the one who hurt us, and we come together in an endless spiral of violence. It is this vicious circle of violence between the perpetrator and the victim wants to break that Jesus among his disciples and through them into the new humanity. While we better understand the scope of the following: "If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also." Balmary Marie made a comment to this illuminating passage: "Masochism is presenting the same play to him who knocks, for there again. When Jesus asks us to make another play to him who knocks for him to wake. " The violence is locked in a battle of violence and the failure to find a violent response in front of him may destabilize it, thereby awakening the sleeping consciousness by bad habits. Returning St. Thomas Aquinas, Jacques Maritain pointed out that there are two kinds of courage: the courage to attack and the courage to bear, which correspond to two kinds of forces, strength and striking force that supports it. For Maritain "the cross is the sign of the transcendent ways that are within the force that supports it, or the courage to suffer." "Do not resist evil by imitating the wicked" is not in the Christian sign of weakness but rather a higher power that has its origin in God. Jesus himself did not apply his teachings to the letter to "turn the other cheek" but we have the spirit shown at his trial. The soldier who hit it just does not tend the other cheek, he is content to question: "If I have spoken evil, shows what is wrong, but if well, why strike me you? "Nonviolence of Jesus does not mean he accepts the injustice, quite the contrary.
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, to be truly the son of your Father in heaven: for he makes his sun rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the just and the unjust. " I hope we have the grace not to have enemies. But if this were to happen to us we have been warned about the right attitude to adopt. Jesus love motivates enemies by asking us to look at the Father and his action in favor of men. Simone Weil, the Jewish philosopher, recalls "the perfection of the Father which the sun and rain are blind to crime and virtue." The attitude here that the Lord expects of us is supernatural. It does violence to human nature marked by sin. The Christian is one who, following Jesus and in communion with him, and imitates the Father wants to be like him in all things, the Christian is the son of God. The mention of a reward, however, poses problem and it needs to be understood. The motive of love of enemies found in the attitude of God who is Father to all. God, obviously, does not act for fear of punishment or for a reward. It acts according to his inmost being, by his goodness, his mercy, his justice and holiness. Have a pure intention is to act in God's way. If we have the grace to forgive our enemies, pray for them and love them, we do not reward or pay. If we have a business relationship with God, such give and take, then our intent is impure. Then what reward is it here? This is the reward of the Christian: it consists in the joy of doing good in the property itself that we seek, and in deeper communion with God so that we can live. Our reward is the good itself that makes us more like God our Father. It was at St. John Bosco that I leave the last word: "I recognized that there was nothing better than to be happy and do good in his life."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Does Cervical Mucus Looks Like

Baby Bad Boy - Vin de France

Thunevin In the family, I want the little-son, good pick! And this is how, during a brief passage in the House of Vintage , boulevard Saint-Germain, I am left with a bottle of Baby Bad Boy 2009.
I already could taste the "big brother" Bad Boy in the 2006 vintage . He had a lot more.
The bottle is open for dinner. It accompanies a very simple menu: a quiche with a salad.
The color is deep, explosive nose. Myriad fruit as you bite into your mouth. Mediterranean origins are beyond doubt. I drop under the merlot. I like marriage. Good length on the palate with persistent flavors of ripe fruit pleasant.
This wine is a small ball gun! 90/100

bottle displays a name "Vin de France". Now, as I regularly read the blog Jean-Luc Thunevin , I knew that wine was a blend of Merlot from the Bordeaux region and Grenache Maury. But no mention of this double-origin labeling of the bottle. Will marketing? Or regulatory constraints?

A rant too : Cap. The cork! Baby Bad Boy is perhaps not a wine (at the same time do we have enough perspective to say it?). Paid for a bottle € 15, I was somewhat disappointed when the plug out. If Baby Bad Boy is intended to be consumed quickly, why not go outright to the screw cap is by far much more fun!

Baby Bad Boy 2009

Baby Bad Boy - Bouchon

Exit drinkers labels. Place drinkers plugs!

Cheers, NL

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How To Connect An External Hard Drive To Tv

This blog changes style!

After several months of release, I had found a new breath to make it live again. I must say that I had adopted the format was not always suitable for you transcribe my experiences bacchanalian. How to make a full ticket (with photo of the cap and label, please!) When one tastes a fine wine on the corner of a table or a lounge area? Winks (and shots of reds!), Tasting a few words, a picture, board, short, simple: the new editorial line of this blog.
I hope you enjoy coming regularly. In any case feel free to leave me a comment. It is with pleasure (and attendance, if possible) that I will answer you.
you soon!

Cheers, NL

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Farsightedness More Condition_symptoms


Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, you will undoubtedly remember this episode of the Gospels (
That's a memory that evangelical it pleases me to rekindle your memories, to strengthen our faith by our Lady of Deliverance, and we stay away from any form of discouragement at the suffering that we endure in our bodies and minds.
There is indeed Read more keys available to us in welcoming the Word de vie dans nos existences. Est-ce vraiment un geste inspiré par la foi que cette femme a posé de manière aussi audacieuse ? Son acte ne nous rappelle t-il pas notre activisme de dernière chance quand, poussés par la force du désespoir, nous sommes prêts à tout pour nous libérer d’un mal qui nous frappe, et même malheureusement à recourir à des marchands d’illusions, au fétichisme ? Nous sommes invités, dans la souffrance, à toucher Jésus-Christ et Jésus-Christ seulement, même à son insu. Le vrai contact avec Lui nous guérira de nos maux. Osons regarder le Christ, même dans la souffrance.
Qui m’a touché
Qui m’a touché
I ask the Lord to make us tough, persistent and ever more daring in our desire to bring us closer to Him and Him alone, and get in touch with him in prayer, Communion, the Witness, and Service . Thus we will be healed well beyond physical relief. Dear friends
sick, you who are experienced in your body and your mind, you are the privileged members of the Mystical Body of Christ. You are called to holiness in your trials, with the entire People of God who lives jointly test of your sufferings, so that Christ reigns in our hearts.
To you, coaches, priests, nuns, doctors, health personnel, remember that Jesus Christ is born when man begins to open his heart and hands to change, transform and transfigure life his brothers and sisters, marked by suffering. It is noble and beautiful your presence to the sick. Everything you do with these brothers and sisters, that Jesus Christ that you do too. "I was sick and you visited me and cared for."
May the Lord fill you with his generosity, so that you can always devote yourself body and soul to this noble event, with the Holy Spirit that the Lord gives to those who are open to his presence.
the Blessed Virgin Mary, Our Lady of Poponguine, Our Lady of Sorrows, teach us to say yes to the Lord every day of our lives. Then we will one day rejoice with her to win the test of our faith, staring and extended hands to the One who takes us from the darkness of pain into his wonderful light.
; ;
                                                                                  Théodore Adrien Cardinal SARR
                                                                                                Archbishop of Dakar
Mk 5 21-43), in which a person sick for more than twelve years, has ventured a prophetic gesture by touching the garment of Christ, after trying unsuccessfully with doctors to break free of his evil. ? tell the Master to make eye contact with this woman whom nobody has ever bothered to look as deep and dense. Nothing is lost for us, as long as we contemplate the Face of Christ, as long as we touch him. ? Christ tells us today, my friends tried in your flesh, and in your mind. Jesus Christ calls us to the daring act of faith. He invites us to win the test of discouragement, hopelessness and fear, by our faith and our hope in Him.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Is It Ok To Have Black Mucus In Your Period

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time / A 06/02/2011

Matthew 5, 13-16 (p. 551)

In the reading continues the Gospel according to St. Matthew we hear in this Sunday following the Gospel of the Beatitudes. This teaching of Jesus seems simple. The Lord began his first teaching, the Sermon on the Mount, with a call to happiness according to the will of God. We are made for happiness, but not whatever. We make life choices we make for our vocation as children of God. Any following the Sermon on the Mount gives us concrete evidence to live the Beatitudes. Here, addressing the first disciples Jesus insists on the evidence they will be held in the world. We may be giddy at hearing These strong expressions: You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world ... An early Christian writer used this beautiful image to locate the place of Christians, while minority in a pagan Roman empire: they are what the soul is to the body. That is to say a vivifying principle, a presence that gives meaning and hope. But why the soul must be united to the body and not leak or break away. The image of the Salt of the Earth said the same thing. Or to use the terminology of St. John, Christians should be in the world without being of the world. The salt is only useful mixed with food to give it taste and enhance. At the same time the salt must be different from the food to play its role fully. But we do not mageons salt for itself! Such is the paradox of the situation of Christians in our world. And of course the difficulty for us to find that balance evangelical. The Europe of the 21st century brings us finally in a situation quite similar to that of the early Christian minority in the great Roman Empire. If during the centuries Christianity has merged with Christianity, it is no longer the case today and that since the French revolution. Christ's message has more support from kings and rulers nor weapons and coercion to spread. He is only the testimony of our Christian life. We're the salt of the earth. The image of the light of the world brings a nuance. If the salt mixes with the food, the light is outside the world it illuminates or rather distinct. The lamp is in the room without being a part. We can remove and hide in the words of Jesus. And it's the end of our Gospel that clearly explains the evidence we have to give as a light of the world: "Let your light shine before men. So, seeing what you doing good, they give glory to your Father in heaven. " How we light our world? Defending ideas? Talking about our faith? Jesus replied, acting as well, being the reflection of divine goodness. We find this belief in the entire New Testament. The witness is not a propagandist or an ideologue but someone who tries to be consistent, a person who puts his actions into line with his faith. Far lead us to any pride, the term "light of the world" implies the contrary from us humility and wisdom in God. If we do well is by the grace of God. And this act by the well sends the others in this world, the source of all goodness, God our Father. Simply a problem arises in us. For the same Sermon on the Mount, a little farther, Jesus seems to ask us the opposite attitude! "Do not do your good deeds to people so they notice you," and the Lord illustrates this principle with examples of charity, prayer and fasting. On the one hand it seems that Jesus asks us to show and hide the other of us! This Gospel is not so simple that we could think a priori. And it is always beneficial for us to read a passage from the Gospel in its wider context. The solution to this apparent contradiction could be: the Lord reminds us that our primary motivation in choosing what is good is good in itself. I do not do much for me to show others or even to have a place in heaven. If I choose good, because I am convinced that in itself is always preferable to evil. If I choose good, because I know he is the key to true happiness for me and for others. Act salt of the earth and light of the world is witness to be the Good News. And indeed the true witness does not play a role. It is simply what it is. He does not look nor take pleasure in itself, which would of course pride. Or put another way at least I am conscious of my role as a witness than I am in truth. The truest testimony is always natural, it is neither calculated nor sought nor affected. All persons who approached John Paul II knows that this pope has seen first in his manner. His best teaching on prayer has been simply to pray. Those who had the grace to see him in a state of prayer know it. He did not play a role in order to edify the faithful. He prayed, that's all. May our Christian witness the strength of simplicity and naturalness!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Insulin Resistance Diet More Condition_symptoms

The February 2011

Month dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes.

recommended Virtue: Hope.

month Sainte Bernadette Soubirous (Feast February 18).

- February 2: Presentation the Lord's Temple. Celebration of Light.
World Day for Consecrated Life.

- February 3: Begin the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes.

- February 6 are commemorating Marthe Robin, a servant of God.

- February 11: Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.
World Day of Sick

- 14 February: Saints Cyril and Methodius, patrons of Europe.

- February 18: Feast of St. Bernadette

- February 22: Chair Chair St

· May Our Lady of Lourdes, bless us!